It seems when something new comes along, change is constant, there is a crescendo, and then it moves away. Has the "HCG Diet Craze" had its day? We venture to Re-Think what has happened and build on it. Regulation in play, it is time to move beyond "The HCG Diet Craze" into the next frontier of understanding!

Thursday, April 10, 2014

2014 - New News on the Colorado HCG Diet at Body Solutions Rx and our new Book coming in 2 weeks!


This is Daniel Riedel, Owner of Body Solutions Rx LLC here in Colorado Springs, CO.

Since my last post to you all, there has been the yearly January review by the FDA of the weight loss industry. This year, Sensa was repremanded and forced to pay back $25 Million dollars due to what the FTC calls "false" and "misleading" advertising. The ads in question do show people who are probably athletes with ripped abs and perfect bodies, together with text in the ads that suggests using Sensa will produce those results. This is akin to censorship in my opinion, as the ads do not directly say that using Sensa will lead to a perfect body like those in the ads. Rather, ads such as these create an "emotional" connection for people, and gives many people an "idea" of fit bodies, and the like. But, most consumers get it, and yet some get it but decide to voice concerns over their use of Sensa and results that never came like those in the photos. Marketing is damned if if does and doesn't. Successful marketing, which we ALL - including me - are exposed to every day, stirs emotion and desire, and leads to sales. That is the nature of marketing and the free market we are supposed to have.

So, together with Sensa, the FDA also his another HCG supplier with a cease and desist. This provider, from what I know, is an India based producer of an ORAL product for the hcg diet. Thought, their ads and marketing and text are fairly blatant in regard to hcg claims and terminology that has now been officially termed as "illegal" per the FDA.

What remains are a few products, including PRIME Appetite and Weight Original from Body Solutions Rx for the HCG Diet, that are regularly purchased and reviewed by the FDA at one of their facilities. They know our companies, and know we are making all the necessary revisions as changes are made at the FDA. Body Solutions Rx has always been in line with these needed changes, and therefore has a product that remains available, AND still works just as it did when we first launched it in 2008.

If you are still looking for the HCG diet and a product and program that are consistent and ALWAYS available, we of course have that. There are a few other companies that have good products too, and we are all pretty much priced the same. The difference that can be made is whether you have access to someone, like me, that can guide you, answer questions, and help with the process. PLUS, WHO will be there the help you with your next set of questions when you are done dieting and starting to eat normally again?

Keep that in mind when buying any products.

If you have questions, have had success or failure on these diets it the past and are still curious, ask those questions. Free advice is fin and helps everyone, and I believe in free advice whole heartedly.

Check out our revised web site and and We have lowered pricing, offer free shipping, and will be there for you, via phone, email or even my own iPhone for texting.

Good luck and I hope to hear from you soon!

Yours in health,

Daniel Riedel, Owner, Body Solutions Rx LLC
(888) 452-0716