It seems when something new comes along, change is constant, there is a crescendo, and then it moves away. Has the "HCG Diet Craze" had its day? We venture to Re-Think what has happened and build on it. Regulation in play, it is time to move beyond "The HCG Diet Craze" into the next frontier of understanding!

Saturday, November 15, 2014

The NEW PRIME Appetite and Weight Reduction HCG Cook Book is available in digital PDF format!

From Daniel Riedel, Owner of Body Solutions Rx The NEW and Updated PRIME Appetite and Weight Reduction HCG Cook Book is now available in digital PDF format. Consisting of 232 pages, the new cook books has: 1.) A breakdown for each recipe of total calories, fat grams, carbohydrate grams, and protein grams. This helps with meal planning 2.) Hyper-linked internal structure that aids in navigation 3.) New suggestions for better success with the HCG Diet, be it ours or one offered at other clinics. Go to BodySolutionsRx.coma and look for the links to the new cook book, A complete digital version is available for $5.95. As well, recipes from the book can also be looked up directly on our web site! Thank you all for your continued patronage. The HCG Diet has been around a long time, and many changes have taken place due to FDA requirements. We hope the new cook book helps meet these challenges and provides a better base for those who continue to use the HCG Diet for Colorado hcg weight loss at Body Solutions, or in other states and through other providers.